See purpose.
This standard specifies the technical requirements that wireless infrastructure devices must satisfy including the wireless network user devices themselves as well as all wireless Network Devices. Only those wireless infrastructure devices that meet the requirements specified in this standard or are granted an exception by the Technology Department team are approved for connectivity to a Diocese of Paterson network. Network devices including, but not limited to hubs, bridges, routers, switches, firewalls, remote access devices, moderns, or wireless access points, must be installed, supported, and maintained by either the Technology Department or a qualified company (volunteers must document all steps taken).
All employees, contractors, consultants, temporary, volunteers, and other workers at the Diocese of Paterson and its subsidiaries, including all personnel that maintain a wireless infrastructure device on behalf of the Diocese of Paterson, must comply with this standard. This standard applies to wireless devices that make a connection to the network and all wireless infrastructure devices that provide wireless connectivity to the network.