Storm Preparedness:
In January of 2014, we experienced a polar vortex and a dipping jet stream which ushered in below freezing temperatures and several significant snows. Several of our parishes and agencies sustained water damage due to frozen pipes as well as damage due to the weight of snow on roofs. Now is a good time to take precautions to prevent pipes from freezing and roof damage.
To prevent pipes from freezing, the use of wrap heat tape around pipes vulnerable to cold air is one precaution. Maintaining heat in all buildings, most importantly in vacant buildings, will prevent pipes from freezing. The thermostat should be set to no less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. A daily check needs to be conducted on vacant or closed buildings to make certain that the heat is working properly.
Indoor valves should be closed to drain the water supply to exterior faucets. If water is dripped or trickled from a faucet this will keep the water moving and discourage freezing.
Excessive snow loads on the roof may lead to a roof collapse or structural damage. Your maintenance staff or competent roofer needs to visually inspect your roofs. In addition, you need to perform a visual interior inspection of the ceilings on the upper floors of your buildings for signs of sagging grids or tiles, new cracks in sheet rock/plaster ceilings. Your maintenance staff or a competent roofer should remove snow from roof drains to allow drainage. It is not necessary to clean the roof completely down to the roof surface; all that is necessary is to allow melting snow and ice to freely flow to drains. If you don’t have a roofer who services your parish or location
In order to preserve any warranty, the roofer who put on the roof must be called to remove the snow. Never use metals shovels or chop the ice, this will damage the roofing material.
Remember, all entrances and exits to buildings, walkways and parking lots need to be kept free of snow and ice. You should have on hand some type of snow/ice melt, grit, calcium chloride or sand to spread on slippery surfaces. We need to eliminate slip and fall hazards associated with the snow.
Emergency Phone Numbers:
In the event you sustain water damage due to a frozen pipe, damage to a roof or building structure, you FIRST need to report the loss to Gallagher Bassett’s 24/7 claim report center (1-877-509-3503).
You will be given a reference number once you report the loss. This number will be used to coordinate payment for all services associated with the claim. To assist you in the clean up or to stabilize the structure and prevent further damage, the Diocese has engaged the exclusive services of BMS CAT, a national full service emergency disaster response company to assist our parishes and agencies. BMS CAT is available 24/7 to assist us in the event of a loss. BMS CAT can be contacted at 1-800-433-2940. BMS will work in conjunction with Gallagher Bassett to handle your property damage claim. BMS CAT rates have been preapproved by our insurance carrier.
If you have any questions, you can contact Rich Ziccardi at 973-777-8818, Ext. 225.