The Social Media Retention Policy aims to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the management, retention, and disposal of content posted on social media platforms. This policy ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, supports effective record-keeping, and promotes transparency and accountability in our social media communications.
The purpose of the Social Media Retention Policy is to ensure compliance with all relevant legal, regulatory, and organizational requirements for record retention. It promotes accountability by establishing clear responsibilities for the creation, management, and disposal of social media content. The policy aims to support effective record-keeping, safeguard sensitive information, and maintain transparency in our social media communications. By managing the lifecycle of social media content, we can enhance the integrity and reliability of our communication channels and mitigate risks associated with improper handling of digital records.
This Social Media Retention Policy applies across the entire diocese, including all individual parishes and departments and are expected to adhere to the guidelines and procedures outlined in this policy. The policy covers all social media platforms and accounts operated by or on behalf of the diocese, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and any other platforms used for official communications. All clergy, employees, volunteers, and any individuals or entities acting on behalf of the diocese are required to comply with this policy. It governs the creation, management, retention, and disposal of all types of content, including posts, comments, messages, multimedia, and interactions on social media platforms.
The DoP Technology team may verify compliance to this Standard through various methods, including but not limited to, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the Standard owner.
All devices should be compliant with cyber insurance standards and local/federal governance standards. Any exception/outliers should be approved by the DoP Technology team in advance.
An employee found to have violated this Standard may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.