Save the Date - Diocesan Christmas Concert All are invited to join Bishop Serratelli and the faithful of the diocese for our annual Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 6 at 4:00 p.m. at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany. This year's concert, THE FIRST NOEL, will feature not only the Diocesan Choir, but the Gramercy Brass Quintet and the Diocesan children's Choir. Music will include a variety of styles spanning many centuries and cultures, bringing the joy of Christ's birth into our hearts and lives.
Attached is a flyer which you may print and display appropriately. ___________________________________________________________________________________
St. Paul Inside the Walls
Being Single, Being Faithful (35+) - Whether single by choice or by circumstance, we must live every "single" day to the fullest. We can find fulfillment in Christ and his Church by embracing the opportunities in the Church for spiritual growth, meaningful service and a sense of community. For more information and to register, please visit Madison, Saturday, November 7 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.
The Holy Spirit and Evangelization - The Holy Spirit is the director of all evangelization. While it is impossible to predict what the Holy Spirit may do in the future, we can explore what the Spirit has done throughout the New Testament to inform and guide our efforts to share the Gospel today. Alan Wright, presenter. Register at Madison, Monday and Tuesday, November 9 and 10 from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Click here for a listing of many of the upcoming offerings at St. Paul Inside the Walls. __________________________________________________________________________________
Risk Management
Slip and Fall Workshop -November 19, 2015 - Falls are the leading cause of workers' compensation claims. They account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits. Please read the attached for more information about the workshop at the JPII Center at 775 Valley Road, Clifton.
If you have any questions, and to RSVP, please contact Rich Ziccardi at 973-777-8818 x225. __________________________________________________________________________________
Office of Respect Life
Important Change in the Adoption Law in NJ - Birth parents must take action to preserve their privacy.
On May 27, 2014, a new law took effect allowing adoptees and certain relatives to request and obtain the names of their biological parents beginning January 1, 2017. Birth parents who wish to preserve their privacy must submit a REDACTION REQUEST FORM to the NJ Department of Health by December 31, 2016. The form can be downloaded at There is also a HELPLINE: 609-989-4809.
Prior to this law being passed, if an adopted child wanted medical information, it was readily available.
Please contact Mary Mazzarella, M.D., Respect Life Consultant (973-777-8818 x269) with any questions. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Vocation Office
NEXT Pizza Night with Bishop - will be held at Morris Catholic High School, Wayne on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. (flyer attached). All young men of high school age are invited to participate in this evening of prayer, discussion and fraternity with Bishop Serratelli and other young men as well as priests from around the diocese. If you know someone who may be interested, please ask the young man to contact the Vocation Office at 973-777-8818, x711 or by email at [email protected]. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Jubilee Year of Mercy - As we prepare for the December 8th opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, there are many planning materials available:
St. Paul Inside the Walls ( has prepared an extensive explanation along with links to the various ideas and resources that can be used in the parishes.
Our Sunday Visitor ( has a leaflet prepared with detailed explanations that can be distributed to parishioners.
A Pastoral Planning Guide - The Medicine of Mercy by Bill Huebsch, available through 23rd Publications (Item No. WHWS206), incorporates outlines, steps and ideas for five important planning meetings plus many other resources timely for the whole year. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mental Health Workshop FOR PRIESTS AND DEACONS ONLY - Find out how we can become better "neighbors" to people coping with mental illness at a Mental Health Workshop for Faith Leaders. The Workshop will be presented by Jim Zahniser, Ph.D. on Thursday, November 12, 2015. Click here for more information, location and registration details. ___________________________________________________________________________________