On Wednesday evening, June 22, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul Inside the Walls, Dr. Marie M. Mullaney will present: Catholic Sisters and the Shaping of America. Dr. Mullaney is an author, Professor at Caldwell University, and specialist in Women's History. Her presentation will highlight the many ways in which Religious Sisters have had an impact in our country.
To register, please visit www.insidethewalls.org. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Schools Office
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!
In these first days of June, Bishop Serratelli and Mary Baier, Superintendent of Schools, attended commencement ceremonies for all three of our Diocesan high schools: Morris Catholic, Denville; DePaul Catholic, Wayne; and Pope John XXIII, Sparta. Nearly 500 students were graduated in total and collectively our graduates received $104,738,120 in scholarships.
We congratulate this next generation of leaders on their dedication to faith, academics and service and look forward to hearing about their future successes. __________________________________________________________________________________
Human Resources
New Procedure for Disability Claims and Leaves of Absence
Effective June 1, 2016, MetLife will be the administrator for both disability and ALL Leaves of Absence under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act. The new telephone number to file a claim and/or request a leave is: 877-638-8262. More information will follow. Any questions, please contact Joan Valk at 973-777-8818, ext. 277 or [email protected]. _________________________________________________________________________________
Vocation Office
Quo Vadis Days - The Discernment Retreat for young men ages 15-25 will be held this year June 29 - July 1 at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center in Newton. Attached are the resource materials for the event:
Catholic Charities It is very important that any parish CRS Rice Bowl and/or CCHD collections taken up in 2016 be reflected in the CRS and CCHD 2016 fiscal year reports. Please check your records. If your parish has not yet sent these collections for 2016, please do so as soon as possible. Checks should be sent to the Diocesan Finance Office, 777 Valley Road, Clifton, NJ 07013. Please note the name of the collection in the memo section on the check. ___________________________________________________________________________________
St. Paul Inside the Walls - Save the Dates
The Pope Benedict XVI Institute In the Image of God: The Genius of Human Sexuality - This year's Summer Institute will be taught by Deborah Savage, Ph.D., from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN and keynote speaker at SPIW's 2015 Women's Conference. The Institute will run from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. each day. The cost to participants for the four days is $120/person, which includes lunch. Madison, Monday-Thursday, June 27-30 from 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Catholic Sisters and the Shaping of America Join us for a presentation by Dr. Marie Mullaney, author, professor at Caldwell University, and specialist in Women's History. Madison, Wednesday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m.