It is critical that all of the diocesan insurance participants secure a Certificate of Insurance from any outside party who uses our property in any way, including parishioners using church facilities for parties or events whether for a fee or no fee, all rentals, etc.
The following language must be used:
(Description of Operations/Locations” Section: Required Language):
“The Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney, D.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson and his successors in office and all employees and agents of the Diocese of Paterson and all affiliated parishes, schools and institutions are included as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to: (the specific event or contract). CERTIFICATE HOLDERS: The Bishop, Diocese of Paterson, specific parish or school must be named as certificate holder.
(Parish, school or agency letterhead)
Date ________________
Re: Brief description of work or services): __________________ at parish, school or agency name and address) _______________________
To: Vendor Name: ________________
From: __________, (parish, school or agency representative),
Phone: ___________
(Vendor contact name) ________________, as per standard protocol, kindly email or fax an insurance certificate containing the language below, 48 hours prior to the work commencement, to: Richard Ziccardi, Risk Manager, Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson, 777 Valley Road, Clifton, NJ 07013,
Phone: (973) 777-8818 X 225, Email: [email protected]
Thank you!
Certificate of Insurance Required Language:
“Description of Operations/Locations” Section: Required Language:
“The Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney, D.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson and his successors in office and all employees and agents of the Diocese of Paterson,
(parish, school or agency name)___________________________ and all affiliated parishes, schools and institutions are included as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to ______________________(the specific work to be performed, event, project or contract).
The Bishop and the Diocese of Paterson and (parish, school or agency name and address) ________________________________________ must be named as certificate holder.