Diocesan policy requires that all parish, school and agency trips involving minors must comply with the following guidelines:
Pastors, principals and agency directors must approve all plans for traveling with minors.
Overnight trips involving minors in grades K-8 ARE NOT PERMITTED.
Overnight trips involving minors in grades 9-12 must be reviewed and authorized through the appropriate Diocesan Center Department. The Travel Review Form should be completed and returned to the Diocesan Center.
The appropriate Diocesan Center Office will serve as a resource to those planning the trip.
If there are questions concerning the planning and implementation of the trip, inquiries should be directed to the appropriate Diocesan Center Office.
If special travel insurance is required, the entity planning the trip may be asked to purchase additional insurance.
In the event of the filing of a claim or legal action arising out of an entity's failure to follow the Diocesan Travel Guidelines or other Diocesan policy, the entity which planned the trip will be responsible for claim cost/legal expenses and damages.