We have received completed forms from some parishes already. We’ve also heard good feedback from others who tell us about their Building and Grounds committees and how important and helpful these are to parishes. Hopefully this exercise of looking at these forms and recruiting parish volunteers who are knowledgeable in these areas will be the basis of a parish standing committee to continually look at facility issues and preventative maintenance.
Please feel free to add any maintenance items to these forms that you feel are pertinent to your parish. For example, some parishes have wells and septic systems that need to be addressed. Our forms are meant to be a basis to start and a general guide. As parishes add items, we will share “best practices” with you.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this project and please send the results into the diocesan facilities office . We will report back after the Thanksgiving Holiday, since the due date was extended to November 16, 2015. You can find the forms on the Chancery Website.
Thank you!