63 parishes, schools and ministries are actively working on new eCatholic websites.
29 new websites are already live.
New Sharing Feature: Content from the main diocesan website can be shared with other eCatholic websites for better communication.
We have a new instructional video posted on the Chancery Homepage that shows how easy it is to share or "pull" content from the diocesan website "in real time" for parishes, school and other diocesan locations with eCatholic sites. When you use this feature, every time the diocesan website content is updated, it will appear live on the parish website.
The Diocesan School Office upgraded their website to eCatholic: www.patdioschools.org
We are working on the web archive of Bishop Serratelli's Beacon Columns.
Columns from 2004, 2005 and 2006 are being added and should be completed in October.
See the list of new websites on the diocesan homepage.